A vulnerable post:
Let me start back a few years (or 22) to when my now 28-year-old was just 6.
When I was a single mom, living in a little condo and raising my son.
I tried everything to get him to listen without having to constantly yell, nag, or remind him.
And the only results I got were a sore throat (from raising my voice too much) and immense feelings of guilt for losing my temper.
I couldn’t figure out how to discipline without being big, bad, mean parents who only doled out punishment.
All the chaos and out-of-control behavior was making me feel overwhelmed, underappreciated, and just plain exhausted.
I could see in his eyes that HE was the innocent one and that he just simply didn’t have a mother with any tools on how to meet his needs.
I was seriously at the end of my parenting rope and desperate for change.
But then I stumbled upon Amy’s ridiculously amazing, crazy effective class.
After discovering her common sense, easy-to-implement, research-based tools, I learned how to:
- Easily get kids to listen – the FIRST time. No yelling or reminding…not even once!
- Put an end to daily power struggles. Bedtime became a breeze, and all the dawdling, chore wars, sibling rivalry, and mealtime meltdowns disappeared.
- Reduce backtalk by HALF! It’s simple once you know the secrets of these two ‘buckets.’
- Say goodbye to punishments that DON’T work. There’s a 5-step formula that works WAYYY better than time-outs.
- Feel amazing, confident, and empowered as a parent, every day. I NEVER go to bed feeling guilty anymore! (Okay, well maybe sometimes…’mom guilt’ is still a thing.)
And YOU can learn all of this in just ONE HOUR. (You pick your time to watch HERE.)
No matter how long it takes you, you MUST watch Amy’s class!
Even if your partner isn’t quite on board, watch it anyways. (You can fill them in later, when appropriate.)
I PROMISE [FIRST NAME] — you’ll have a happier, more harmonious, and (mostly) stress-free house if you do.
If you want proof, let me give you an example of how these tools have worked for me and my family…
One night last week, it was time for my son to put down his tablet.
Instead of prepping myself for WWIII, I approached [child’s name] with a new mindset and one of Amy’s time-tested parenting tools.
And guess what?
He CHOSE to turn off the device – without incident.
I didn’t yell. He didn’t yell.
There was no reminding. No arguments. No blow-ups.
Aaaah, talk about a magical moment!
I thought maybe this success was a fluke, a one-off stroke of luck because my strong-willed little guy happened to be in a…not so strong mood. (Plus, he just ate dinner, so he wasn’t hangry.)
But then bedtime came around, and I practiced those newly learned tools again.
And guess what?
The peacetime treaty continued.
He brushed his teeth ON HIS OWN…without being reminded.
He didn’t beg for another glass of water, or an extra 10 minutes of story time (although I did give him a bonus chapter because, well, reading is the best).
After practicing these tools and seeing such positive changes, my husband is now using them too!
Our partnership is getting stronger, and to my kids, I’m now the ‘Best Mom in the World’ on a daily basis.
Of course, there are still BIG feelings, which is normal, but there’s hardly any drama or chaos when they happen.
All because I practice the brilliant communication tools that I got from Amy’s free one-hour parenting class.
It’s complete wizardry, and you’re going to feel like a master magician after you watch it.
So go and pick your time NOW, put what you learn into action, and watch the miracles unfold.
Cheers to a happy home and enjoying life with your kids,
P.S. Amy’s class will work for you, no matter how old your kids are!
Got a threenager? You want this class.
Got an actual tween or teen? Then what are you waiting for?
Sign up for the webinar right NOW and watch the BEST, most life-changing parenting video ever.